VIP Club, PPPs and VIPPs

At Yachting Poker the more you play the more rewards you earn, making it easy to reach top VIP Club status quickly! As you play, your Poker Player Points (PPPs) increase and you then become eligible for special promotions.

New players start at the Ivory VIP level and it doesn't take long at all to earn Gold Premium VIP status. VIPP's are used to calculate what your VIP level is. Every player generates 100 VIPPs for every €1 Rake earned. As you climb the VIP levels you will begin to earn PPPs faster and clear bonuses quicker!

The VIP levels are as follows:

VIP Status

VIPPs Needed

VIPP Multiplier

Level 1 - Ivory


1 VIPP = 1 PPP

Level 2 - Bronze

8,000 Monthly

1 VIPP = 1.1 PPP

Level 3 - Silver

30,000 Monthly

1 VIPP = 1.2 PPP

Level 4 - Gold

65,000 Monthly

1 VIPP = 1.3 PPP

Level 5 - Gold Premium

140,000 Monthly

1 VIPP = 1.5 PPP

As long as you maintain a VIP level amount of points for 10 months out of the year, you will remain at that status – this means that should you go on holiday or simply take a break, all your previous hard work won’t be lost.

Make sure to visit the ‘Tourney’ lobby often for daily promotions and exciting offers to spend and use your earned PPPs!